Preparing Students for Pisa Testing: Students of Today Getting Ready For the World of Tomorrow
Course organisers will send to the participants list of materials related to the course topic they can read in order to prepare for the course. Organisers will be available if participants need any information related to the accommodation, plane tickets or any detail necessary in organising the course.
Course description
Everybody knows about PISA testing, but how many teachers know how to prepare their students for PISA? PISA, or Programme for International Study Assessment, became one of the main measures for how successful education is in each country. It is important for teachers to have skills for preparing students for PISA testing, because it is not only about one test; it is about variety of skills that students have to develop in order to be successful in the world of tomorrow. This course will provide new approach to learning; teachers will be equipped with alternative methods that will help them to educate students with the emphasis on developing critical thinking skills. Students have to learn how to operate in complex world with problem – based approach. On this course, teachers will learn how to increase students' mathematical, reading and scientific literacy. Finally, teachers will also solve authentic PISA test, and evaluate the results.
Methodological approach involves:
- Open – Ended Questions;
- Multiple – Choice Questions;
- Team – Building Sessions;
- Energisers and Warm – Ups;
- Group Discussions;
- Debates;
- Creation of individual learning pathway for the learners;
- Problem – Solving Activities;
- Project – Solving Activities
- Lateral Thinking;
- Questioning;
- Questionnaires
- Learning the basics about PISA;
- Familiarising with the educational system of the countries with the best results in PISA;
- Developing critical thinking;
- Increasing mathematical literacy;
- Increasing reading literacy;
- Increasing scientific literacy skills;
- Practising problem – solving activities;
- Solving complete PISA test, and evaluating the results;
- Making 6 months plan of how to prepare students for PISA testing
Trainees will be given soft and hard copies of all lesson materials, which they presenting to their colleagues at their own organizations to generate interest in 21st-century teaching methods with creative thinking. In addition, a mailing list of participants will be created in order to exchange ideas/experiences. Self-evaluation materials will be provided. At the end of the course the participants will accomplish a questionnaire in order to get a detailed feedback for the effectiveness of the training event.
Programme of training activities day-by-day:
Day 1 – MONDAY
- Welcome and registration
- What is PISA – Programme for International Student Assessment
- How much do you know about PISA – quiz for teachers
- How PISA works
- Practical ways to get students prepared for PISA testing
- What is OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development)
- The importance of PISA in the education of today
- The history of PISA
- The most successful countries in PISA testing – What is their secret
- Preparing students for mathematical literacy
- Examples of questions for testing mathematical literacy
- Preparing students of today for the world of tomorrow
- Preparing students for reading literacy
- What does it mean to be literate in reading
- Use of OECD material
Day 5 – FRIDAY
- Preparing students for science literacy
- What does it mean to be scientifically literate
- How does scientific literacy helps in today's world
Days 6/7 – SATURDAY and SUNDAY Workshops and Cultural/Sightseeing Activities
Day 8 – Monday
- What does PISA measure
- Types of questions: Open-ended and multiple-choice
- Developing critical thinking for PISA testing
Day 9 – Tuesday
- Planning and structuring: 6 months project for preparing students for PISA
- Solving the PISA test: How successful are the teachers in test for students
Day 10 – Wednesday
- Feedback, Course Evaluation and Dissemination Focus
- Awarding certificates of attendance