Erasmus+ KA2 Strategic Partnership

Creative Activities to Prevent Bullying on Special Needs Students

Bullying has become major problem worldwide with serious consequences not only for the life of students (anxiety, depression, isolation, decreased academic achievement, even school dropout), but also with great impacts on the mental and emotional health on the adulthood. Latest research show that at the adult age, victims may experience low self-esteem and self-confidence, depression, eating disorders, and other mental health problems, while bullies can engage in criminal and antisocial behavior, drugs use, domestic violence etc.
The goal of the project is to provide a widely usable training solutions and bullying prevention and intervention skills, as well as to raise awareness on school bullying danger among the target groups as a stringent issue with long term consequences on teenagers mental and emotional health.
Having a transnational character (RO, LT, TR, GR, IT), the project will facilitate partner cooperation and the exchange of expertise, good practices and methodologies, resulting training and educational materials of high quality sensitive to European social and cultural diversity. This will enhance the positive impact and the transferability in EU.
The project follow the specific objectives:
-Raise awareness on bullying prevention and correct intervention and equip over 12000 students from special learning and mixed schools with preventing and intervention knowledge, skills, increased empathy, tolerance and positive attitude by developing a participatory interactive digital exhibition and creative workshop guidelines.
-Raise awareness, increase competence and intervention capacity in bullying prevention and efficient intervention of 10000 teachers and educators from special education and mixed schools and provide them creative and effective methodologies, methods, tools in a training package consisting of a piloted curriculum and training materials, creative and coping workshops and an interactive digital exhibition for the diminishing of this important educational problem in the European schools in the 24 months project span.
Creativity STOPS Bullying project addresses a highly important and hot topic that affects the educational systems across Europe, offering improved knowledge, skills and practices for prevention and intervention in bullying on hearing impairments teenagers, in a highly accessible and attractive manner using recognized and validated training methodology, guidelines for creative therapeutic workshops and interactive storytelling exhibition.
The project will develop the skills of teachers to use creative methods and tools to prevent and to intervene in bullying situations on high school students with hearing impairments, by elaborating a solid and highly innovative training package and creative and therapeutic workshop guidelines. The project result will consist in very useful tools for teachers on a highly

Read the city: cultural integration of adult learners with special needs

"Read the city: cultural integration of adult learners with special needs" Erasmus+ strategic partnership project aims to collect good practices in creative urban education. Partners discussed the needs of own organisations, experience and possibilities of future cooperation and decided that the call of European Commission for ‘partnerships for creativity’ will support activities in adult education. The call aims to develop skills and competences that encourage creativity and boost quality and innovation what is relevant to partners' needs.
Partners are interested to link education and training with those in the cultural and creative sectors and because of that involve number of associated partners to this project. This will enrich experiences of partners' organisations on local level and then these experiences will be transferred to other project partners organisations.
Stichting International YOUTH BRIDGES mostly is working in youth fields and this is first project designed for adult learners as our organisation feels that urban education is much wider than youth training. Stichting International YOUTH BRIDGES is interested to involve to this project learners in different ages and for this NGO is interested to collect good practices about creative urban education together with project partners who have already different experience in work with adult learners. Partners also expressed needs to develop teaching-learning materials for urban education which suit to new reality and can be used in situation of COVID-19 in different cities by different target groups.
Need analyses showed that partners are looking for new networks for the national, international, intercultural and intergenerational cooperation, interaction between different stakeholders in adult education. Project will provide an opportunity for networking through five transnational meetings, local workshops with involvement of associated partners and also online cooperation.
The general objective of the project is to enhance the quality and relevance of the learning offer in adult education by developing new and innovative approaches in urban education and to support the dissemination of good practices. Project will increase incentives for adult training, by providing information on access to lifelong learning to people with fewer opportunities.

The specific objectives of the project are:
* to enhance the quality and relevance of the learning offer in adult education and training by developing creative and innovative approaches and supporting the dissemination of good practices in urban education;
* to enhance the professional development of those working and active in the adult education and training by increasing the quality and range of initial and continuing training, including IT-based methodologies;
* to enhance involvement of people with fewer opportunities to adult urban education;
* to develop creative skills and learn more about the cities and culture in own and in other countries;
* to enhance the commitment of local and regional public authorities in the qualitative development of the education and training;
* to improve the capacities of organisations active in the fields of adult education and training, notably in the areas of organisational management, leadership and internationalization;
* to present the cultural characteristics of the cities and towns in participating countries;
* to exchange information and knowledge, regarding the cultural specificity of different European regions;
* to contribute to increasing the awareness about the cultural diversity in Europe, creating tolerance, mutual understanding and improving the ability to work in multicultural environment.
The main project approach is targeted through non-formal learning methods, which aim at enhancing the creativity skills and competences of adult educators and final beneficiaries - adult learners - who are the main target groups in this project. The first target group of the project consists of staff members of partners' organisations and educators who work in adult education - teachers, tutors, mentors, social workers involved in lifelong learning in partners' organisations. The second group consists of adult learners, including people with special needs and fewer opportunities. There will be also associated partners involved in project and few target groups in dissemination activities - more than 100 participants will be involved directly and about 1000 indirectly during dissemination and follow-up activities.
The main results of this project will be competences of staff members, educators, trainers and learners in urban education. The main tangible result will be E-Book with collection of good practices. These results will have strong impact on participants of this project ans have long term impact for all involved: educators, learners, partners' and other organisations who will benefit from new competences and teaching/learning materials.